in Mexico

in Mexico
Hidden Trails offers a unique Mexico hiking holiday, in the Copper Canyons. The Copper Canyon Hiking Tour explores the Urique and Batopilas Canyons, as well as El Camino Real. A hiking vacation of extreme beauty, this is a Hidden Trails hiking holiday to savor.
Lying just south of the U.S.A-Mexico border the Copper Canyon is a remote, rugged region of unusual diverse beauty. Vast pine and oak forests cling tenaciously to ridges, peaks and plateaus. Great canyons carve deep incisions into the igneous heart of the continent, so deep that they host their own unique ecosystems. Homeland to the reclusive TARAHUMARA, the Sierra Madre is rich in history and legend, haunted by the restless shades of fallen warriors, martyred Jesuits and Pancho Villa's army
The Copper Canyons have deservedly attained a “must see” traveler's status. A lot has happened in Mexico's Copper Canyon area since its pyroclastic origin some twenty five million years ago. Great mountains rose in a fiery display of smoke and ash. Torrents of rain and wind, cut deep slashes in the raising igneous colossus that we now know as the Sierra Madre, to form immense canyons. Some eleven or twelve thousand years ago, the first humans arrived, migrating bands of nomadic hunters seeking fate and fortune in dangerous unknown lands. During the ensuing millennia multitudes of unknown peoples passed through, some eventually staying to take up residence in the many sheltered caves to practice simple farming
And so it was in the spring of 1541 when a detachment of Conquistadores from Coronado's expedition in search of the seven golden cities of Cebola first encountered a group of naturales, they called Tarahumara. More time passed, the Tarahumara, or Raramuri as they call themselves, planted maize and warred with their southern neighbors, the Tepahuanes. In 1607 an event took place that would change life forever in the canyon country. Jesuit missionaries arrived with mandates from the Spanish Crown to Christianize and civilize, the policy of reducion which changed forever the way of life in Spanish America.
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Hiking holidays in Mexico